Your Pics

We know that, as a true Madonna fan, you feel that she is a constant in your life. She has been there for you in moments of glee, sorrow, self-questioning and self-realization; and thus, as a way to thank her, you invoke her at all times. You dress up like her in an attempt to get to know what it feels like to be in her shoes, put on your own show before your friends and try to transmit that energy that only M radiates, paper your room with pictures of her so as to feel her closer, and, every so often, there is a camera that captures those scenes. Thus, if you have photos that record those moments between you and Madonna, we invite you to share them with us, and BETWEEN YOU AND MADONNA will do its best so that the next person to take a look at those photos is the one you took those pictures for.

Click here to upload your photos from Facebook.